dataset included with state names and their
abbreviations under various standards including ANSI, ISO, USPS,
USCG, GPO, Associated Press.relatable
provides two easy-to-use, robust functions for mapping from
a vector of keys to a vector of values, as well as creating and applying
more sophisticated mappings, such as many-to-many, one-to-many, and
many-to-one relations. These are primarily designed with two goals in
returns a vector Y = F(X) where F maps each element of
input vector X
from its position in vector A
to its corresponding
position in vector B
. Can be applied as a vectorised key-value
dictionary with an optional default return value. Additional options
restrict mapping types so relation F must be a function, injective,
surjective, etc.
returns a reusable function F that performs the same
operation as relate
. In addition to providing a reusable function, if
handle_duplicate_mappings = TRUE
, relation
checks for and eliminates
duplicate mappings that would be invalid inputs for relate
. If
report_properties = TRUE
, relation
also prints the restrictions the
mapping from A
to B
conforms to.